Friday, September 23, 2011


Bonus post!!  I don't know if you guys have heard about the proxe station that InterVarsity's Evangelism Team is putting on but it's going to be amazing.  Terrifying (at least I think so), but really amazing! Will wrote a little bit about below about why you should take part in this opportunity!

Many of you are looking for a challenge, a way to grow in your faith, or a way to share and experience God's love and power. You desire to walk in your faith and want to see God move on this campus, but it's challenging finding a way to get started. The Red Cup Proxe is a booth set up on campus that will ask students what they thirst for and offer them the change to receive the Living Water that is Jesus.  We will hand out soda and challenge and encourage our peers to come quench their thirst.  
Although the main purpose of this event is to engage others in conversation about Jesus, I can promise you that you will experience Him also.  You will be challenged, stretched, and grown in your faith as you give God a chance to speak through you.  This is a unique and valuable opportunity, so don't let it pass by because you are nervous or shy.  Trust that God will meet you in this challenge, and know that through your act of faith God will move.  There is some training required to prepare you for this endeavor, so please email me at ASAP so we can find a time that works before Tuesday.  Spots are filling up!  Also, volunteers will receive an awesome T-shirt to be worn at the proxe, which will be taking place on Kafadar Commons between 10 and 2 on both Tuesday and Wednesday.  
Like Will mentioned, the proxe tent will be set up on Kafadar Commons.  It is a tent with different conversation starters on each side.  You get to talk about what our campus thirsts after, then what you thirst after.  After you talk about these you move to the third and fourth sides which talk about how Jesus quenches thirsts.  

I am terrified to do this.  It's really scary to get out there and talk about your faith, but as John Kuyt puts it, evangelism is where the rubber hits the road with our faith.  There has been so many amazing stories from other campuses so let's get out there and do it!  

Anyone else scared?