"'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth.'" Revelation 3 : 15 - 16
What motivates you? For me, it's imagining the final product. Imagining sleep helps motivate me to finish homework faster. I'm motivated to clean my room when I dream about seeing the floor. And when I dream about InterVarsity this semester, I imagine the end goal. I can just picture us at the end of the semester looking back and sharing stories of how God worked through us and I get really excited!!
This passage in Revelation calls us to be hot people.
Some of us already are :)
But in all seriousness, we are called towards movement. I think we've all done a good job of building a strong foundation. Building this foundation is so important as Jesus tells us at the end of Matthew 7. But he also says that a wise man puts God's words into practice. It's time for us to DO something!!
I believe that a life following God is the best possible life. John 10:10 tells us this. I think sometimes it's tempting to just accept these words and not test them out. So why don't we test them out? Why not experiment with the different things God may have for you at Mines? If we start moving I trust that God will steer our momentum towards his will. So let's trust him with that! Let's start moving and building momentum.
The leaders of InterVarsity have committed to seeking after justice and generosity this semester. We want to see lives transformed and our campus renewed and we believe that we will in turn be able to change the world.
Will you seek after this Just Generosity? We can start changing our world by paying for a stranger's lunch in the DiggerDen or helping a friend with physics. By being generous with our time, energy, and money we really can make a difference!
I know several of you went out after Large Group tonight and bought snacks for random people you found studying. You should share your stories in the comments!
What other crazy generous things can you think of to do? Use the comments as a place to dream and brainstorm ways for us to move this semester.