Rachael has generously offered me the responsibility of maintaining your friendly neighborhood InterVarsity blog, and I have graciously accepted. Although my time here at Mines and IV has been small, I love the community of large and small groups and am excited to share what we learn from God and each other.
It’s kind of amazing how far God has brought me in the past few years. I mean, I didn’t even like to write- I hated it, in fact. The summer before my Junior year in highschool and the winter following, God really tested me and my faith in Him, letting trial after trial come. I wanted to hide, but had to remind myself that “all things work together for good.” (Romans 8:28). Instead of patiently waiting through the storm, I started writing…about something I loved. Being even then engineering-minded, I hated and struggled with putting thoughts together until after a while I got practice on topics I enjoyed and eventually enjoyed it in a weird sort of way. After a couple years I now realize how much God has changed me. The reason I tell you this story is so you don’t think I am one of those strange people who can’t live without writing (and also to remind us that God has purpose for us even during difficult times- times that we as Mines students may be all too familiar with). No, I am more of the type who enjoys sharing my observances of life around me, even when I am just talking to myself. That brings us to now.
I love InterVarsity and this group of people we have, and am so excited to see where Just Generosity will take us this semester. I think last semester was amazing as well, but greater things are in our future.
I know we all are super busy with school, but I really want to see us sharing more in the comments section of the blog. In the first few weeks, we already have some great stories to tell about being generous, and the comments are a great way to bring us together throughout the week even when we aren’t together. I know that as we go about our week we get weighed down with school and might even forget what we hear at Large Group and such, but if we keep the discussion going, the encouragement can continue throughout the week. So step up and get involved by commenting!
I don’t think God had to take me through that winter in that way, but in all my struggles He made something good come out of it. And I know I don’t have everything figured out about hows and whys, but like we learned last week in Large Group: God has placed us on this earth not for ourselves, but for a reason, and to share. So if I can share, then I will share, and I look forward sharing the rest of this semester and in the future.
Will you share with me?