Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Hero's Call

At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. 
But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.

Luke 4 : 42 - 44

Hey there, IVite (or whatever you like to call yourself). Why did you join InterVarsity? Some of us, including myself, were freshmen when we joined, perhaps lured into conversation by ice cream. Coming in, I wasn't really looking to get involved with any Christian organizations and actually kind of followed my roommate to the annual ice cream social, and then to Large Group. I stayed because I liked the people. Turns out that was the wrong reason. 

I probably couldn't see myself doing some things back then- like going on a weekend conference, or writing blog posts, or...talking to strangers about the Gospel. I think some of us were even more introverted in high school, and although I knew that I should've one day, I never put myself out there to talk to people about Christ. But today a few of us said yes and volunteered to run the "Who Will You Be?" proxe station on Kafadar, initiating a few conversations- some that might have been awkward, but some that might have been awesome. It's not just the proxe- maybe some of you have been more open with your faith, and have talked with people you know about what you believe and why.

And then maybe we haven't.

It's scary...talking to people. It's even scarier talking to people about God and how He changed our lives and could change theirs: intimidating, right? But both as individuals and as a group, our focus day in and day out should be to grow God's kingdom: to help the lost find Him. 

Do you do that- focus your life around that? Or is your focus your own grades, or success, or relationships? Consider if InterVarsity just a place to hang out with some cool people and make ourselves feel good Tuesday nights. Make sure we aren't shunning some people out of our fellowship as the Pharisees did- because they aren't "holy enough" or "cool enough" or whatever. 

Evangelism. Sharing. Changing the world through the Gospel. why you joined InterVarsity. That's not the side dish, it's the main course. 

Yeah, we want to grow. We want to learn more about what living a life following Jesus entails. To find our path in life. Maybe you're not even sure if this is for you. And it's alright. Just know that if you're lost, Jesus would love to have you; that you are precious to Him and would fight for you as in the parable. 

But be warned: the call of of a hero for God is to seek those that are lost that they might also be found. And again, it's scary and awkward, but God helps us get through that and makes it an awesome experience. 

This week (and the rest of your lives), be challenged. 

Eat with sinners, make friends with them: don't put yourself in a comfy cave surrounded with Christians or people that make you feel comfortable. Feel challenged every day to reach your non-Christian friends and show them God's love.