"'Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house, and it fell with a great crash.'" Matthew 7 : 24 - 27
As I've grown up I've come across some pretty big decisions. Where to go to college, how to prioritize my time, what I should do as a career. It seems like decisions keep getting bigger and bigger and I search for more wisdom. I would seek advise from family, maybe even some friends that I trust, and I would pray about these choices.
So it got me thinking, how do we define wisdom? I think my parents are pretty wise. My friends give pretty good advice too. But I think the only place we can get true wisdom is from Jesus. And as this passage in Matthew points out, hearing God's wisdom and not putting it into practice is being a fool to God.
For those of us that follow Jesus, we see the instructions: to ask for and listen to God's wisdom, and to do what He says and go where He leads. Unfortunately, God does not operate on a human level and the things He calls us to can seem idiotic to our world.
I feel like Jesus, in His wisdom, called me to a fifth year at Mines, an expensive fifth year at Mines. He called me to get married and then spend my first year of marriage separated from my husband. He called me to move to Texas. He called me to go on staff with InterVarsity and fund raise a salary that doesn't come close to what I could make as a Chemical Engineer. My family thinks I'm crazy. My in-laws think I am insane. These decisions confuse my friends and baffle my teachers. I look like a total idiot. However, I don't feel like a fool to God. In listening to His wisdom, my life is beautiful and a blessing to me.
As a fellowship, we have been praying for guidance from God and we feel that in His wisdom, God is calling us to radically love our campus and to bring them the gospel. There are some ways that this call feels really scary. Jesus might be calling us to look like idiots in front of our friends and classmates. He might be calling us to sacrifice grades or time. Wisdom is dictated by Jesus's calling for us, it is not dictated by the logical decision. But it is worth it! The more that we say yes to Jesus, the more abundant of a life we get to experience and we would be fools to say no to God's call for us.
So I have one question for you, Mines. Are you willing to look like an idiot to this world so you don't look like a fool to God?