Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Seeking Perfection

"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5 : 48

"Haha, ya.  Oh you're serious??"  This was my first reaction when I read that verse, because we really are being called to do the impossible. Perfection is so far away it is overwhelming to try to achieve.  Jesus doesn't expect us to live life without any more mistakes, and He knows that perfection is impossible for us, so why did He call us to it?

By pursuing perfection we become dependent on God because only through Him can we do anything, let alone the impossible.  Pursing perfection, God, leads us to the best possible life.  A life without school, illness, and miscommunication.  No wait, the best possible life will still be filled with pain and suffering, but also filled with joy, and accomplishing the impossible; God moments.

This semester has been so incredible for me, and it's because I have dared God.  I put His teaching to the test, I applied what He said to see if it would work.  It did.  Prayers were answered, fears were conquered and my life has been blessed.  I tested Him and I found life.

InterVarsity has experienced countless God moments this semester as well. Ryan has given his life to college students, not an easy task, but I can not think of a better person to lead us towards change.  Thank you Ryan for being such a devoted leader and such a beloved friend.  We are blessed with a wonderful Intern team that has sacrificed their lives to share life with us.  They have brought rest, wisdom, and friendship.  We have also been blessed by amazing growth.  We now have 97 people being in community with each other.  Jesus has brought us life.

There is opportunity to turn these God moments into God movements. God can look into your heart and see your shame and sin and take that away.  This God moment should be shared.  When you tell your story, no matter how insignificant you feel it is, God can use that.  He can turn that into a God movement and change someone's life.

What were your God moments this semester?  I dare you to share; take that God moment and turn it into a God movement.  Do you feel yourself called, either as an individual or as a community in InterVarsity?  What are you feeling called towards?  Share your stories and your dreams for InterVarsity.

All that is demanded is perfection.

This has been a wonderful semester and I wanted to thank you all for how much you have blessed me through this blog.  I look forward to hearing your stories!!

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