Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Application: Pursuit

"'Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.'"  Matthew 7 : 13 - 14 

In life we are also presented with opportunities; moments that could really impart our lives.  I had one of these last summer.  I had the opportunity to drive to California with several friends for a wedding. And as cliché as this is going to sound, the journey was long but it was so worth it.  18 hours in a car with 5 people isn't easy, 100 degrees at 10 pm is torture, and walking several miles in heels brings most to tears. Had I chosen not to go I would have missed a wonderful wedding, beautiful scenery, and great conversation.  This trip brought me life.  

The same can be said of a life following Jesus.  The only way to truly live is to search, and it will not be easy.  This passage tell us that few find life.  In order to find, you must actively search.  Entering through the narrow gate is choosing to follow Jesus.  With that comes tough actions but it leads to the best possible life.  Behind this gate is joy; it's life.  And it is a gift that has already been given to us.  All we have to do is step in.  

Behind the wide gate is a life of shame and guilt.  Although it's the easy choice, walking through the wide gate leads to a life of feeling trapped. Shame and guilt become a cycle that you can't escape.  Trying to change because you feel guilty leads to feeling ashamed when you fail. The wide gate is the choice to not follow Jesus, and although it's hard to say this, that does lead to hell.

The answer to escape this cycle of shame and guilt is love; unconditional and undying love.  This is best illustrated by Jesus dying on the cross for us.  He paid the ultimate sacrifice to allow us to choose either the wide or the narrow path.  What can this love do for you?  Do you have a cycle of guilt that needs to be broken?  Or maybe you just need to be refilled with joy and passion for God.  I want to challenge you to actively pursue God this week.  Just see what happens when you choose daily to continue on the narrow path.  See what happens when you choose life.  

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